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New Shows & top Rated

Cornerstone International Christian Radio.

Has a mission to Broadcast The foundations of Truth & faith across the Earth.

So by doing this we have a duty not to broadcast , just any old shows, we will never broadcast podcasts or shows that center around religion, prosperity , or have their show dominated by false teachings gay presenters or false doctoring's.

So with this in mind , here are the latest best shows to listen out for.

On Air Sign
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monday midnight 12am-1am uk time & Saturday Midnight 12am -1am Uk time.jpg

Sunday 7pm GMT &Monday 10am GMT

Paul Calvett: Focus on Israel.

This show was first tested out in 2015 on this radio station , but with drawn through lack of content , However Paul is on the front line in more ways than one.

He bravery brings true life events from Christian Jew leaders and every day solders and ministers from Israel that proudly declare their faith in action..

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Tuesdays 12pm GMT & Fridays 2pm GMT

Todd Freil :Wretched Radio

Todd Freil has been at the top of controversy for most of his career , but we are the only Radio Station apart from his own that , promote his very honest and black & white way of speaking.

Sundays 4pm Gmt-5pm

Light & Truth :John Piper 

 John Piper’s philosophy of Christian Hedonism in the light of biblical truth.  Scripture exhorts Christian believers to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints (Jude 3). The reason is because there are false teachers who have surreptitiously crept into the Church in order to pervert the gospel of Christ. Our Lord gave us this warning: ‘Take heed that no man deceive you… And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many’ (Matthew 24.4, 11). The apostle John warns believers not to believe every spirit, but to test the spirits whether they are of God (1 John 4.1). As Christians, we are instructed to test all things and hold and hold fast what is good and to abstain from every form of evil (1 Thessalonians 521-22).

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Aaron Vaughn Graham 

Worship Leader /Manager of Cornerstone international christian radio & Broadcaster  of He will Rock You Monday Nights 10pm UKtime and Worship inspired 10pm Sunday nights

He will Rock has celebrated for the last 6 years to be one of the highest Shows in The USA on several radio stations and home grown on Cornerstone International Christian Radio

Brand New Show :
With Annabel Clayton .
Soul Survivor, will be a show that's needed and never used on Christian Radio until now .
Created by the host with partnership of Cornerstone international Christian Radio .
This show will be totally against all religions and cults by, posing the truth ,about so called Christian led faith groups .
Annabel, will featuring topics on The, Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses ,Roman Catholics ,Baptists ,Methodists and LBTQ, Pagan festivals and many more .
highly qualified to do Gods work and shinning a light of truth of the gospel in a dark confused earth .
Coming soon .
Only on Cornerstone International Christian Radio .

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